prof. dr. H.W. (Herman) Hoen
![Profile picture of prof. dr. H.W. (Herman) Hoen](/staff/h.w.hoen/hwhoen.png)
Participation in research projects
Governance in Emerging Economies. This project is financed by the Volkswagen Stiftung and it aims to scrutinize the role of the state in promoting economic growth and development in countries with a Soviet legacy. It concerns a collaboration with Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens and Dr. Christian Timm (Private University of Applied Sciences, Göttingen, Germany), who share academic responsibility for the project.
Emerging Market Economies in Central Asia. This project is financed by the Volkswagen Stiftung and is directed and supervised by Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens (Private University of Applied Sciences, Göttingen, Germany).
SinGA project. This project is financed by the World Bank and hosted by Globalisation Studies Groningen (GSG). Dr. Ron Holzhacker, founding father of SinGA, is supervizing the project that focuses on good governance in Indonesia. The participation involves PhD supervision.
Supervision of PhD candidates
Yogha Permana, preparing a PhD on regional integration and economic development in South Asia, supervision together with Prof. dr. Ron Holzhacker.
Misook Choi, preparing a thesis on state capitalism in post-sociailist countries in Europe and Eurasia, supervision together with Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens.
Yana Zabanova, preparing a thesis on energy transitions in post-socialist countries, a comparison between the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, supervision together with Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens.
Completed supervision of PhD theses
Zhanat Murzakulava, Developing competitive suppliers for the oil industry in Kazakhstan: Governance, politicies, and instituions, 8 April 2021, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens / Private Fachhochschule Göttingen, who served as second promoter).
Tamar Jugheli, The Institutions of State-agribusiness Relations in Gerogia, 11 February 2021, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens / Private Fachhochschule Göttingen, who served as second promoter).
Axel Wölk, A Taxonomy of State Capitalism. The developmental phases of Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, and Singapore - a comparative institutional analysis, 28 January 2021, University of Groningen (Supervision with Prof. dr. Joachim Ahrens / Private Fachhochschule Göttingen, who served as second promoter).
Kuswanto Kuswanto, The Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Decentralized Governance Systems in Indonesia, 24 January 2019, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Prof. dr. Ron Holzhacker, who served as second promoter).
Carel Hendrik Horstmeier, Stiefkind der Staatengemeinschaft. Die Anerkennungspolitik der DDR in Westeuropa 1949-1973, 20 February 2014, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Prof. dr. Friso Wielenga / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, who served as second promoter).
Ulla Dorothea Pape, Civil Society and the Politics of HIV/AIDS in Russia, 15 March 2012, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Dr. Joost Herman and Dr. Bernd Rechel, who served as co-promoter).
Werner Frans Yvonne Scheltjens, De invloed van ruimtelijke verandering op operationele strategieën in de vroeg-moderne Nederlandse scheepvaart: Een case-studie over the Nederlandse scheepvaart in de Finse Golf en op Archangel, 1703-1740 (The influence on operational strategies in early-modern Dutch maritime shipping: a case-study on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740), 28 May 2009, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Dr. George Welling, who served as co-promoter).
Christiaan Willem Prins, Argued Consensus or Bargained Compromise: A Governance Approach to Assessing the Legitimacy of European Commission Legislative Proposals, 16 October 2008, University of Groningen (Supervision together with Dr. Gerda van Roozendaal, who served as co-promoter).
Niels van der Bijl, De Internationale Politieke Economie van transformatie: De totstandkoming van privatiseringsbeleid in postsocialistisch Polen (The International Political Economy of Transformation. The Emergence of Privatisation Policy in Post-Socialist Poland), 06 September 2007, University of Groningen.
Sipke de Hoop, Met vallen en opstaan: Vijf jaar Nederlands hulpbeleid in Midden- en Oost-Europa (1989–1993) (Trial and Error. Five Years of Dutch Aid Policy in Central and Eastern Europe (1989-1993)), 19 January 2006, University of Groningen (supervision together with Prof. dr. Hans Renner, who served as first promoter).
Johannes Casparus Platje, Institutional Change and Poland’s Economic Performance since the 1970s – Incentives and Transaction Costs, 30 September 2004, University of Groningen.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 12.18 p.m. |