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Alienating Interventions: On What the 'Bad' in David Lynch's Films is 'Good' For

Ostranenie, 'The Montage of Attractions' and Early Cinema's 'Properly Irreducible Alien Quality'

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Theory

Una archeologia della teoria dell'ostran(n)enie

The 21st-Century Post-Cinematic Ecology of the Film Museum: Theorizing a Film Archival Practice in Transition

Viktor Shklovsky's Ostrannenie and the 'Hermeneutics of Wonder'

(De)Habituation Histories: How to Re-Sensitize Media Historians.

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Epistemological and Methodological Reflections on Experiments with Historical Objects of Media Technologies

Reading Viktor Shklovsky's "Art as Technique" in the Context of Early Cinema

Early cinema, Sergei Eisenstein, and Film Culture Today: An Interview with Ian Christie on New Directions in Film History


Leonardo review by Jan Baetens