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Research Arctic Centre Education

Registration Minor

How to register for this minor?

Please read carefully the options below.

If you are studying at the University of Groningen

Register from 24 May 12h following these two steps with different deadlines. The first step is registering your general choice, the second step is about choosing specific courses. Each block consists of three courses of 5 ECTS: course A will be lectures and an exam, course B will be preparing a lecture in a small group on a given subject and course C will be writing an individual essay on a chosen subject.

Step 1. From May 24 up and until 5 July 2024, you have to register for the minor in The minor might be divided in two blocks in the first semester. The first block has the focus on nature, climate change, history and indigenous people. The second block focusses on exploitation, governance and rights of nature.

Step 2. In the period from 17 June to 5 July you have to register for the specific

If you are coming from another university in The Netherlands than the University of Groningen

Register yourself via as a subsidiary course (bijvak) soon as possible. If it is difficult to find the university minor Arctic and Antarctic Studies, it is registered under bachelor and archaeology. With this procedure you get access to the final registration. Do note the dates of the two steps as shown under 1).

If you are studying at a university abroad

See this webpage read item 3 with deadlines 1 May and 1 June, depending on the country of origin.

If you are not studying at an university and want to follow part of the minor

You can register for the lecture courses 1A, 2A or both. Follow the procedure at this link

For any problem with the registration or further information or the course syllabus, write an email to the course coordinator

or contact bsz.let

Last modified:28 May 2024 11.34 a.m.