Nieuwe UGP publicatie: Taking back control of the energy sector?
Het boek Taking back control of the energy sector? A legal analysis of Brexit and the EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement is nu online en open access beschikbaar bij University of Groningen Press (UGP).
Het boek is geschreven door Silke Goldberg (Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid).
Over de inhoud van het boek
This book focuses on the legal consequences of Brexit for the energy sector both in the United Kingdom and in the European Union. In particular, it considers to what extent the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) is adequate for the energy sector post-Brexit by exploring whether the TCA
delivers legal certainty,
has been effectively implemented, and
meets the Brexit objectives.
The analysis of these questions leads to several recommendations, for instance in relation to the implementation of the TCA and its extension to new energy technologies.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 december 2023 11:13 |
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