Institute for Medical Education
The Institute for Medical Education or - in Dutch - Onderwijsinstituut (OWI) is responsible for the creation, implementation and management of both the medical and dental curriculum. Our aim is to provide a sound and stimulating general medical or dental education for all our students, graduates, post-graduates, and teaching staff. Ours was one of the first Dutch medical schools to introduce the concept of problem-based learning, linking classroom studies to case experience. Thus, we train students to become physicians who can deal with the fast changing nature of medicine in the 21st century. To achieve this, we work side by side with the medical departments of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG).
Our tasks
- Day-to-day management of the different curricula.
- Introducing innovative teaching methods, investigating new and proven educational technology, monitoring the current curricula, enhancing the teaching skills of our staff. We offer programs for all new and experienced tutors, including basic training in the techniques of small group tutorials. Problem-based learning in small tutorial groups after all is the corner stone of both our curricula.
Monitoring the progress of our students in the pre-clinical and clinical years, providing mentorship and pastoral advice on all matters of a personal and academic nature including illness, leave of absence, class lists and the coordination of orientation days, courses, timetables, handbooks and electives.
Last modified: | 08 February 2017 12.40 p.m. |