Main publications by WHO-CCCE members with reference to undergraduate cancer education 1991 - 2007
Chapters in Books
Reports & Essays
Publications in Journals
- Haagedoorn EML, Bender W, Oldhoff J. Leerstof Oncologie voor de Medicus Practicus. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1991. 360 pg. ISBN 90 232 2646-1
- Haagedoorn EML, Bender W, Sleijfer DTh, Oldhoff J. Oncologie voor de Medicus Practicus. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1992. 338 pg. ISBN 90 232 2684 4
- Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J, Bender W, Clarke WD, Sleijfer DTh. Assen, the Netherlands, Van Gorcum, 1994. 412 pg. ISBN 90 232 2905 3
- Translations of the above mentioned book : Essential Oncology for Health Professionals.
- PRINCIPI DE ONCOLOGIA. Faenza (RA), Italia, Edizione C.E.L.I., Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice S.p.A., 1995. 405 pg. ISBN 88-8138-023-4
- BASISWISSEN ONKOLOGIE. Deutsche Ausgabe herausgegeben von Franz Porzsolt. Berlin/Wiesbaden, Deutschland: Ullstein Mosby GmbH & Co. KG, 1996. 485 pg. ISBN 3-86126-125-1
- ONKOLOOGIA PEREARSTILE. Tôlkija: Rait Labotkin. Tallinn, Estonia, Kirjastus MEDICINA, 1996. 386 pg. ISBN 9985-829107
- ΒΑΣΙΚΕΣ ΓΝΩΣΕΙΣ ΟΓΚΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ. Βασικές Γυώσεις Ογκολοүίаς. Αποκλειστικότητα үια την ελληνική үλώσσα. Іατρικές Εκδόσεις “ΖΗΤΑ”. Μικράς Ασίας 76 - 115 27 Αθήνα. 1997. 395 pg. ISBN 90-232-2905-3
- ONCOLOGIA BÁSICA PARA PROFISSIONAIS DE SAÚDE. Associação Paulista de Medicina. São Paulo – SP, Brazil. Indices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Oncologia : Medicina 616.922. Impresso no Brasil 2000.
- In Dutch: Second and updated edition cancer textbook “Oncologie voor de Algemene Praktijk” (= Oncology for General Practice). J. de Vries, W.T.A. van der Graaf, H. Hollema, G.B. Szabó, W. Bender, E.M.L. Haagedoorn. Royal Van Gorcum, Assen, The Netherlands. 2005; ISBN 90 232 4119 3.
- In Dutch: Second and updated edition dental cancer textbook “Oncologie voor de Tandheelkundige Praktijk” (= Dental Oncology for General Practice). J. de Vries, I. van der Waal, J.L.N. Roodenburg, W. Bender. Royal Van Gorcum, Assen, The Netherlands. 2006; ISBN 90 232 4252.
Chapters in books
- In: Heller, Davey, Bailey, (eds.): Reducing the risk of cancers. Haagedoorn EML: Prevention, the role of cancer education. Hodder and Stoughton in association with the Open University U.K. and the European Commission 1989;126-131. ISBN 0 340 51827,8
- In: Sherman CD (editor): Undergraduate medical student cancer education in Europe: current status of cancer education in Europe and recommendations of a WHO/UICC workshop. Geneva, UICC, 1994. Bender W, Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J. Summary report of the Second WHO/UICC Survey on undergraduate medical cancer education in Europe (1991/1992). pg. 27-38
- In: Robinson E, Sherman CD, Love RR (editors): Monograph on cancer education for undergraduate medical students: curricula from around the world. Geneva, UICC, 1994. Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J, Bender W: The Groningen Cancer Education Programme. pg 89-96
- In: Junqueira ACC (editor): II Workshop on cancer education for medical students at the State of São Paulo, Botucatu, Brazil, 1996. Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo and UICC.
- Haagedoorn EML: The necessity of coordinaton in cancer education. pg 11-16
- Haagedoorn EML: Topic selection in undergraduate medical cancer education. pg 25-31
- Haagedoorn EML: Teacher training and specialization in medical education p 32-34 - In EORTC Document "Bonn Curriculum" Revised document 1998. Project of the EORTC Education and Training Division, Supported by the European Commission DG V / File No: SOC 96 200656 05F02.
- In: Moraes M, Brentani R, Bevilacqua R (editors). 17th International Cancer Congress. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 1998. Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore, 1999. Haagedoorn EML, Vries de J. International Summer School ‘Oncology for Medical Students’. p 1583-1587.
- Haagedoorn EML (editor). Cancer education and networking. Programme and edited abstract-book, 14th annual scientific meeting of the European Association for Cancer Education, April 2001 in Antwerp, Belgium. Groningen: WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 2001. 116 pg.
- Haagedoorn EML (editor). Multiprofessional cancer education. Programme and edited abstract-book, 15th annual scientific meeting of the European Association for Cancer Education, May 2002 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Groningen: WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 2002.
- Milly Haagedoorn, Jakob de Vries, Eliezer Robinson. The importance of pregraduate cancer education; global perspective. 18th UICC International Cancer Congress, 30 June - 5 July 2002, Oslo, Norway. In UICC Congress book and on CD Rom.
Reports and Essays
- Haagedoorn EML (editor): Developments in cancer education. Programme and edited abstractbook of the eight annual scientific meeting of the European Association for Cancer Education, 26 - 29 April 1995, Groningen, the Netherlands, WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 1995. 134 pg.
- Haagedoorn EML, de Vries J, Bender W, Oldhoff J. Second International Summer School 'Oncology for Medical Students' 1997: Cancer care for medical doctors not specifically specialized in oncology. Groningen, the Netherlands: WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 1998.
- De Vries J, Haagedoorn EML. International Summer Schools ‘Oncology for Medical Students’ 1997-1998. Cancer care in general practice. Groningen, the Netherlands: WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 1998. 109 pg ISBN 90-801539-7-4
- Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J, Bender W. Report on a cancer education project at Groningen University Faculty of Medicine, February 1, 1987 - January 31, 1991. University of Groningen Faculty of Medicine. August 1991.
- Bender W, Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J. Cancer Education in Europe according to Medical Faculty and Medical Students. Report, Second WHO/UICC Survey on Undergraduate Medical Cancer Education in Europe (1991/1992). Groningen, the Netherlands, WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education. 1993; 34 pg. [Excerpted version on this website : see under projects.]
- Haagedoorn EML, Bender W, Oldhoff J. International Summer School 'Oncology for Medical Students' 1996: the patient in focus. Groningen, the Netherlands, WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education. 1997; 63 pg.
- Haagedoorn EML, Bender W, Oldhoff J. Cross cultural evaluation (1995 - 1996) of the textbook Essential Oncology for Health Professionals - applicability in different cultures. Groningen, the Netherlands, WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education. 1997; 18 pg. [Version on this website : see under projects.]
- Haagedoorn EML, Oldhoff J, Bender W. 20 years of Cancer Education Activities, by the members of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education: an overview. WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education. 1998; 21 pg.
- Vries de J, Haagedoorn EML. International Summer Schools ‘Oncology for Medical Students’ 1997-1998. Cancer care in general practice. Groningen, the Netherlands: WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education, 1998. 109 pg.
- Haagedoorn EML, de Vries J. Report WHO-CCCE, summer 1998 - summer 2000
- Haagedoorn EML, de Vries J. Report WHO-CCCE, summer 2001 – summer 2003
- Haagedoorn EML, de Vries J. Report WHO-CCCE, summer 2004 – summer 2006
Relevant Publications in Journals
- Haagedoorn EML. Editorial: Education is the core of the European Association for Cancer Education. Eur J Canc Care. 1992;5:3
- Bender W: Impressions from Linköping, Sweden. The 6th annual scientific meeting of the EACE, May 1993. J Canc Educ. 1993;8,4:261-264
- Bender W: Abraham Flexner - A Crusador against Medical Maleducation. J Canc Educ. 1993;8,3:183-189
- Haagedoorn EML: The 8th annual scientific meeting of the EACE in Groningen: a reason to visit the Netherlands! J Canc Educ. 1994;9,3:129-134
- Haagedoorn EML, Vries de J. Topic selection in undergraduate medical cancer education and relevance to general practice. J Cancer Educ. 1998;13:137-140
- Vries de J. Haagedoorn EML. Evaluation Summer School 'Oncology for Medical Students'. Cancer Strategy. 1999;1,1:28-32
- Vries de J. Haagedoorn EML. Opinion. Teaching medical students oncology. Cancer Strategy. 1999;1,2:59-60
- BG Szabó, DTh Sleijfer, J. de Vries. A comprehensive oncology course as part of a preclinical training program for undergraduate medical students. Cancer Strategy. 1999;1:187-190
- J. de Vries. Essentials in Cancer Education. J Cancer Educ. 1999;14(4):194-198
- E. Milly L. Haagedoorn, Jakob de Vries, Eliezer Robinson. The UICC/WHO-CCCE Cancer Education Project: A Different Approach. J Cancer Educ. 2000;15:197-201.
- EML Haagedoorn, J. de Vries, E. Robinson. The UICC/WHO-CCCE Cancer Education Project: A Different Approach. J Cancer Educ. 2000;15,4:204-208
- Heather Mercer, E. Milly L. Haagedoorn. Guest editorial. Welcome to Antwerpen!: The EACE's 14th Annual Scientific Meeting. J Cancer Educ. 2001;16,1:2
- Heather Mercer, E. Milly L. Haagedoorn. Report from the EACE. 14th annual scientific meeting of the European Association for Cancer Education 'EACE 2001'. J Cancer Educ. 2001;16,3:122-125
- J de Vries, BG Szabó, DTh Sleijfer, J Cohen-Schotanus. Educational yield of the International Summer School ‘Oncology for Medical Students’. J Cancer Educ. 2002;17:115-120. Invited paper.
- Kapoor N, Haagedoorn EML, de Vries J. The UICC/WHO-CCCE Cancer Education Project : an Indian experience. J. Cancer Educ 2006; 21:182-18
- WHO-Collaborating Centre for Cancer Education (WHO-CCCE): http://www.whoccce.org/
- European Association for Cancer Education (EACE): http://www.eaceonline.com/
- International Summer School 'Oncology for Medical Students' Groningen: Summer School
Last modified: | 16 December 2020 2.02 p.m. |