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About us Medical Sciences Education WHO-CCCE Projects
University Medical Center Groningen



The Oncology Education Foundation Groningen (SOOG) has as its mission the promotion of cancer education in the broadest sense of the word, but specifically for medical students.

To stimulate this, the foundation has set the following objectives:

  • Promoting cancer education on both a national and international level
  • Executing actions that may be related to or beneficial for cancer education in the broadest sense

An example is the support of the organization and participation of students in the International Summer School Oncology.

In order to meet these objectives SOOG is trying to acquire finances through gifts and bequests. Please find the overviews of activities under "More information" below.


Postal address
Stichting Oncologie Onderwijs Groningen (SOOG)
Zwaan 14
9728 XH Groningen
Tel. +31 50 301 4941

More information

Applicationform Soog

The subsidy amount is limited to 5000 euro per project. Costs will be reimbursed afterwards.

Last modified:16 May 2024 08.54 a.m.
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