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University Medical Center Groningen

Groningen Lectures in Movement Sciences 2024-2025

Groningen Lectures in Movement Sciences
Groningen Lectures in Movement Sciences

Four (or more) times a year, the department of Human Movement Sciences (UMCG/UG) organizes the ‘Groningen Lectures in Movement Sciences’ (GLMS). In this series, outstanding researchers from the Netherlands and abroad present a lecture on a human movement sciences topic. The speakers will present in English, and the lectures are open to everyone interested.

The dates for the new academic year 2024-2025 are:

25 September 2024

AKC 00.30

Livestream link

Prof. dr. Jessica Kiefte-de Jong, professor of Population Health with a focus on lifestyle and life course research, head of scientific research at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at Leiden University Medical Center and the Interdisciplinary Health Campus in The Hague

Healthy lifestyle development: an interdisciplinary lifecourse approach

Last modified:19 September 2024 11.00 a.m.