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University Medical Center Groningen

Selection Medicine

  • What date is the selection day of Medicine?

    If you have registered correctly in Studielink, you will receive an invitation for the selection day on F
    riday 23, Saturday 24 or Sunday 25 February 2024. Only when we know how many people are participating in the selection can we say whether we expect you on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. We will let you know at latest 2nd of February 2024.


  • Do I have to register in the Progress Portal?

    If you cannot meet the requirements based on a Dutch VWO final examination, you will have to go through an additional procedure to have your eligibility assessed through the Admissions Office.
    * If you need to have your eligibility assessed by the Admissions Office, it is important to register in the Progress Portal.
    * If you meet the requirements based on a Dutch VWO final exam, you don't have to register in the Progress Portal.

  • Do I have to state my preference for a Learning Community in Studielink?

    No, in Studielink you can only apply for the degree programme in Medicine (Dutch: Geneeskunde). 
    Later on, we will ask you to submit your Learning Community preferences.

  • What are the language requirements for the Learning Communities?

    Be aware that there are three Dutch-taught Learning Communities and only one English-taught Learning Community. This means that the number of available English-taught places is limited. Moreover, the places available in the English-taught Learning Community are not exclusively reserved for non-Dutch students. Note that there are strict language requirements for admission to the Dutch and the English Learning Communities, see the Admission page and the Selection, Admission, Requirements and Deficiencies page.
    Candidates who do not yet meet the requirements for admission to the Dutch-taught Learning Communities can satisfy these requirements through three different routes:
    1. Dutch native-speaker prospective students who have Dutch as their mother tongue, but have obtained a foreign final exam diploma can take the C-test. This test serves to determine whether you are indeed a native speaker of Dutch and it can be taken only once at the Language Centre of the University of Groningen.
    2. Non-native adult speakers can follow NT2-II courses, which implies a year-long language programme, and take the national language proficiency exams for Dutch as a Second Language (NT2: Nederlands als tweede taal).
    3. Non-native adult speakers may satisfy the requirements by obtaining the Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT) exam on B2 level.
    Dutch candidates with a VWO diploma already meet all language requirements.
    For more information you could also read this document.

  • Where do I go with questions about admission requirements?

    Please contact the University's Student Information and Administration.
  • I have an 8+ average grade. Do I have to participate in the selection process?

    The 8+ scheme has been abolished, which means that even if your average mark for the VWO final examination is 8 or higher, you will still need to participate in the selection process.
  • Will the selection tests be in Dutch or in English?

    Candidates who registered a Dutch-taught learning community as their first preference will take the selection tests in Dutch.
    Candidates who registered the English-taught learning community as their first preference will take the selection tests in English.

  • I participated in the selection procedure for Medicine in Groningen last year. Can I participate again?

    No, candidates can only participate in the selection procedure for the degree programme in Medicine in Groningen once. 
    When you are registered in Studielink for the degree programme in Medicine in Groningen after 15 January, this counts as participation even if you later decide not to participate.

    An exception can be made for those candidates that fail their final high school exams in the year they participate in the selection procedure (regardless of their performance in the selection). In this case you have to contact the University of Groningen via the form Selection and placement. If you are on time, you may participate again. 

  • I failed my school-leaving examinations last year. Can I participate in the selection process for Medicine again this year?

    If you failed your school-leaving examinations in the same year you participated the selection, you can participate in the selection procedure again if you fill out the form Selection and Placement on time.

    Please contact the University of Groningen via the form Selection and Placement.

  • I'm not able to provide proof of satisfying the entry requierements by July 15, 2024, (how) can I submit a request for postponement?

    If you are unable to provide proof of satisfying the entry requirements by 15 July, submit a request for postponement using the form Selection and Placement before 15 July 2024.

    If you are still unable to provide proof of satisfying the entry requirements by the new deadline or 20 August at the latest, any confirmation of admission will expire.

  • Up to which ranking number a place has been offered in previous years?

    2023-2024: up to ranking number 468 a place has been offered (01-09-2023)
    2022-2023: up to ranking number 471 a place has been offered (04-09-2022)
    2021-2022: up to ranking number 481 a place has been offered (10-09-2021)
    2020-2021: up to ranking number 489 a place has been offered (10-09-2020)
    2019-2020: up to ranking number 509 a place has been offered (08-09-2019)
    2018-2019: up to ranking number 490 a place has been offered (07-09-2018)

  • Up to which ranking number are the places offered in 2024-2025?

    Up to ranking number 420 a place has been offered. (15-07-2024). 

    **Updated once a week**

  • How many candidates have applied until now?

    Bachelor Medicine: 1429

    Reference date: 15-1-2024

  • Do I also have to submit a portfolio, CV or list of scores?

    No, portfolio, CV and list of scores are not part of the selection procedure this year.

  • Can I make the selection tests online?

    Unfortunately, you cannot make the tests online. 
  • Which four Learning Communities are there?

    LC Duurzame Zorg (Sustainable Care) 
    Language: Dutch 
    Research: Population research 

    In this LC, the assignments are approached from a social perspective on care and treatment. This concerns care and treatment which often takes place in the home environment of the patient.

    LC Global Health 
    Language: English
    Research: Population research 

    In this LC, the assignments are approached from an international perspective on care and treatment. This covers health issues without borders.

    LC Intramurale Zorg (Intramural Care) 
    Language: Dutch
    Research: Clinical research 

    In this LC, the assignments are approached from the perspective of care and treatment of a patient in the hospital.

    LC Innovatieve Gezondheidszorg (Innovative Healthcare) 
    Language: Dutch
    Research: Clinical research 

    In this LC, the assignments are approached from the perspective of care and treatment of a patient in the hospital.

  • How many candidates participated during the selection weekend?

    There were 1123 candidates present during the selection for Medicine. 
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