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About us Medical Sciences Education Medicine Bachelor
University Medical Center Groningen

First-generation network

©Jasper Bolderdijk
©Jasper Bolderdijk

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Students who are the first in their family to pursue higher education possess unique qualities that are incredibly important for (medical) care. They are often highly motivated and can empathize well with patients' perspectives. Moreover, they are essential for shaping the healthcare of the future in a world with great diversity and a high risk of health disparities. These students, known as first-generation students, deserve extra support to make the most of their studies. That support starts already in high school, with students who aspire to be the first in their family to attend university, faculty of medicine. That is why we have established a first-generation network, and we warmly invite you to join us!

Why this network?

Although first-generation students have many strengths, we know they often encounter more barriers during their studies. They are more likely to struggle academically and may not know where to find the right information. They also experience less support from family and friends, sometimes feel less connected to fellow students and faculty, and find it harder to build a professional network. Additionally, these students are more likely to feel 'not good enough' or struggle to balance study, work, and personal life.

What has the network already achieved

Over the past year, we have gained more insight into the experiences and needs of first-generation students. We conducted research, developed a workshop, and, more importantly, took specific and necessary actions together. For example, we organized a study day to support first-generation students in the selection process, and we held our first meeting with the first-generation network. From that meeting, it became clear that a mentorship program is a top priority for our students. In this program, physicians and students in more advanced stages of their medical training support first-generation students who are in the early stages of their bachelor's program. This mentorship program will soon be launched!

Will you join us?

We warmly invite you to become a member of the first-generation network. As a member, you will be invited to events and can participate in our mentorship program. This could be as a first-generation high school student or university student who could benefit from some extra support, such as from a mentor. But you could also join as a student or physician in a later stage of your training or career. You can then share your experiences with us, contribute to our research and projects, and take on the role of a mentor.

If you want to join, sign up via this link!

Last modified:03 February 2025 11.35 a.m.
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