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Dr. Ryan Wittingslow

Dr. Ryan Wittingslow
Dr. Ryan Wittingslow

I am an associate professor at the University of Groningen and a research affiliate of the University of Sydney. From September 2022 to February 2024, I was a Humboldt research fellow at TU Darmstadt. I am the author of the monograph What Art Does (Rowman & Littlefield 2023) and the editor-in-chief of the Philosophy of the City Journal. Most of my research sits at the fertile delta connecting aesthetics, philosophy of design, philosophy of technology, and political philosophy. I write a lot about cities. I also have devastating opinions about art.

More about dr. Ryan Wittingslow


Wittingslow, R. M. (2024). Building Perfectionist Ethics into Action-theoretic Accounts of Function: A Beginner’s Guide. Philosophy & Technology, 37(1), Article 28.
Wittingslow, R. M. (Accepted/In press). How to Do Things with Artifacts. In C. Didier, A. Béranger, A. Bouzin, H. Paris, & J. Supiot (Eds.), Engineering and Value Change (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology). Springer.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2024). Properness and Pluralism in Functional Beauty. Contemporary Aesthetics, 22.
de Ruiter, N., Wittingslow, R., & Chiu, R. (Eds.) (2024). Strange Bedfellows: An Experiment in Student-directed Interdisciplinary Research. University of Groningen Press.


Wittingslow, R. (2024). Critical Contextual Aestheticism: A Proposal. Debates in Aesthetics, 19(1).
Wittingslow, R. M., & Miller, C. (2023). Defining 'Public Space' for Philosophers of the City. Paper presented at Philosophy of the City conference 2023, New York, United States.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2023). Designed Things, Technical Functions, and Speech Act Theory. Paper presented at 2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
Wittingslow, R. M., Miller, C., & Counihan, M. (2023). Fieldwork for Philosophers. Paper presented at Philosophy of the City conference 2023, New York, United States.
Wittingslow, R. (2023). On the Use of Linguistic Concepts in Design. Technology and Language, 4(2), 145-156.


de Ruiter, N., Wittingslow, R., & Chiu, R. (2024). Introduction: Making Strange. In N. de Ruiter, R. Wittingslow, & R. Chiu (Eds.), Strange Bedfellows: An Experiment in Student-directed Interdisciplinary Research (pp. 9-19). University of Groningen Press.
Wittingslow, R., & Lehtinen, S. (2024). The Use of Light Installations in Architectural Reconstruction: New Technological Solutions for the Public Sphere. In Z. Somhegyi, & L. Giombini (Eds.), Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Architectural Reconstruction (1st ed., pp. 150-162). Routledge.
Wittingslow, R., Lehtinen, S., Counihan, M., Lobo, T., & Stone, T. (Eds.) (2023). Inaugural Issue: Philosophies of the City. Philosophy of the City Journal, 1(1).
Nagenborg, M., Lehtinen, S., & Wittingslow, R. (2022). Design Ethics: An Invitation. Paper presented at Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wittingslow, R. (2022). How to Build a Common World. Paper presented at Philosophy of the City Annual Conference 2022, Turin, Italy.
Lehtinen, S., & Wittingslow, R. (2022). Preserving the Pluralistic Ethos of Public Space with Technological Solutions. Paper presented at Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Wittingslow, R. (2022). Philosophy of Technology & Aesthetic Cognitivism. In A. Friedrich, P. Gehring, C. Hubig, A. Kaminski, & A. Nordmann (Eds.), Kunst und Werk (Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie; Vol. 8). Nomos.
May, C. J., Wittingslow, R., & Blandhol, M. (2022). Provoking Thought: A Predictive Processing Account of Critical Thinking and the Effects of Education. Educational philosophy and theory, 54(14), 2458-2468.
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Artworks and Their Affordances. Paper presented at The Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference, Lille, France.
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Authenticity and the 'Authentic City'. In M. Nagenborg, T. Stone, M. Gonzalez Woge, & P. Vermaas (Eds.), Technology and the City: Towards a Philosophy of Urban Technologies (pp. 253-270). (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology; Vol. 36). Springer.
Wittingslow, R., & Lewis, F. (2021). Critical Theory of Technology and Democracy in the Smart City. Paper presented at RC21 Conference on Sensing and Shaping the City, Antwerp, Belgium.
Wittingslow, R. (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic qua Artefact: A Conceptual Analysis. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 25(2).
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Using Philosophy of Technology to Talk about Art. Proceedings of the European Society of Aesthetics, 13, 189-200.
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Using Philosophy of Technology to Talk About Art. Paper presented at Conference of the European Society for Aesthetics.


Wittingslow, R. (2023). What Art Does: Using Philosophy of Technology to Talk About Art. (Global Aesthetic Research). Rowman and Littlefield International.
Wittingslow, R. (2022). Who Controls the Smart City? From Machines of Loving Grace to a Democratic Transformation from Below. In D. Cressman (Ed.), The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg's Philosophy of Technology (pp. 107-124). (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology; Vol. 41). Springer.
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Intention & Agency in Photography. In V. Vinogradovs (Ed.), Aesthetic Literacy: A Book for Everyone (Vol. 2). Mont Publishing.
Ioannou, M., Boot, M., Wittingslow, R., & Mattos, A. (2021). Patriotism and Nationalism as Two Distinct Ways of Loving One's Country. In S. Cushing (Ed.), New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving Palgrave MacMillan.
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Review of Assassins Against the Old Order: Italian Anarchist Violence in Fin de Siècle Europe. Journal for the Study of Radicalism, 15(1).
Wittingslow, R. (2021). The Play’s das Thing: On the Incommensurability of Arendtian Political Action and the Kantian Sublime. Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, 44(1).
Wittingslow, R. (2021). Traces & Testimonies. In V. Vinogradovs (Ed.), Aesthetic Literacy: A Book for Everyone (Vol. 1). Mont Publishing.
Wittingslow, R. (2020). All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace. Paper presented at Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2020, Enschede, Netherlands.
Wittingslow, R. (2020). Authenticity and the 'Authentic City'. Paper presented at Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2020, Enschede, Netherlands.
Wittingslow, R. (2020). Review of Hegel’s Aesthetics: The Art of Idealism. Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, 43(1), 179-182.
Wittingslow, R. (2020). Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between Scientism and Empirical Methods in Philosophy. The Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 9(5), 64-67.


Wittingslow, R. (2020). Visions of Political Form: Kantian Free Play and Urban Space. Contemporary Aesthetics, 8.
Wittingslow, R. (Accepted/In press). A Holy Dullness: Tarkovsky, Suture, and the Numinous. In C. Cusack, & V. Robertson (Eds.), Brill Handbook of Contemporary Religion, Film and Television Brill.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2019). From Beauty to Utopia: Kantian Aesthetics and the Politics of Space. Paper presented at Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium 2019: Urban Aesthetics, Helsinki, Finland.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2019). Teaching for Lasting Impact: What if Learning Outcomes Could Only be Assessed Years in the Future?. Paper presented at UC Tilburg Lustrum Conference on Dilemmas in Higher Education, Tilburg, Netherlands.


Wittingslow, R. M. (2020). Effing the Ineffable: The Sublime in Postphenomenology. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 24(3), 282-305.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2018). All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace. Paper presented at 2018 OZSW Conference, Twente, Netherlands.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2018). Authenticity and the 'Authentic City'. Paper presented at Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium 2018: Urban Technologies, Twente, Netherlands.


May, C., & Wittingslow, R. (2018). Cultivating Standards of Taste: "Aisthesis" in Liberal Arts and Science Pedagogy. Configurations, 26(3), 317-322.


Wittingslow, R. M. (2016). Bloody-Minded Metaphysics: Barry Allen vs. The World. Contemporary Pragmatism, 13(2).


Wittingslow, R. M. (2015). All Men Must Serve: Religion and Free Will from the Seven to the Faceless Men. In S. Johnston, & J. Battis (Eds.), Mastering the Game of Thrones: Essays on George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire McFarland.
Wittingslow, R. (2015). Review of Doing Emotions History. Philament: an online journal of literature, arts and culture , 20(1), 183-185.
Wittingslow, R. (2015). With HoloLens, the Future of Reality is Augmented. The Conversation.


Wittingslow, R. M. (2014). Machines for Living: Philosophy of Technology and the Photographic Image. [Thesis fully external, Univ Sydney, University of Sydney].


Wittingslow, R. M. (2013). Enhancement and Human Nature. International Journal of Design and Innovation Research, 7(1).


Wittingslow, R. (2012). Augmentation Technologies are Here, but Are People Listening? The Conversation.
Wittingslow, R. (2012). Outsourcing Memory: The Internet has Changed How We Remember. The Conversation.
Wittingslow, R. (2012). Vampires and Wind Farms: Mass Hysteria Can Be a Pain in the Neck. The Conversation.
Wittingslow, R. M. (2012). What Does it Mean to be Enhanced? In Proceedings of the 2012 Virtual Reality International Conference (pp. 81-89). ACM Press.
Last modified:28 May 2024 4.13 p.m.