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An interview with Will Steffen on planetary boundaries

30 april 2020

Planetary boundaries

What are planetary boundaries? And do they have a relationship with the current outbreak of the coronavirus? Earth System Scientist Will Steffen was invited to Groningen in April to speak during the Sustainable Society Symposium about planetary boundaries and the Anthropocene. The symposium has been postponed to October 2020, but we already asked him some questions about his work on planetary boundaries. Studium Generale selected a few on their blog. Would you like to listen to the full interview? Watch the video below!

Sustainable Society Symposium 2020

The Sustainable Society theme of the University of Groningen aims to contribute to the realisation of future societies with a high quality of life. During our symposium, pressing societal challenges will be discussed, with special attention for the potential future role of universities. In addition to the keynote of Will Steffen, the symposium consists of lectures from academic experts, showcasing existing interdisciplinary UG research groups and close conversations with colleagues to explore emerging agendas. The symposium has been postponed to October 2020. A formal invitation and a more detailed program will follow soon on our website.

Public lecture Studium Generale

Will Steffen was also invited by Studium Generale for a lecture on planetary boundaries and the Anthropocene in April. Just like the symposium, the lecture has been postponed to October 2020. More details to follow soon on their website.

Laatst gewijzigd:02 juni 2023 14:30
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