prof. Y. (Ymkje) Stienstra
Professor of Medicine, tropical and poverty related infectious diseases, internist/infectious diseases specialist and clinical epidemiologist

y.stienstra umcg.nl
Infectious diseases, mycobacteria, HIV, clinical epidemiology, internal medicine
Overige functies
member WHO-TAG (technical advisory committee) on Buruli ulcer, vice chair of MHD (Microbes in health and disease), chair of the European Study Group on Infections in Travellers and Migrants (ESGITM/ESCMID European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases), chair of the BUG (Buruli ulcer Groningen foundation)
research funding from:H2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Cofund) FP7, Gratama foundation, NWO (Netherlands organisation for scientific research), ALM (American Leprosy foundation), EIT health(European institute of Innovation and Technology)
research funding from:H2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Cofund) FP7, Gratama foundation, NWO (Netherlands organisation for scientific research), ALM (American Leprosy foundation), EIT health(European institute of Innovation and Technology)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 01 maart 2024 11:57 |