X. Ye, Dr
Apart from master and bachelor thesis supervisions, I am teaching the following courses in the academic year 2020/2021:
- Empirical Research Projects for IB (Third year mandatory course for BSc International Business students, about introductory in applied statistics)
- Globalization Topics & Methods (Third year elective course open to various target groups about contemporay hot topics in global economics & politics, plus background introduction on research methodology; ATTENTION TO STUDENTS: this course is scheduled to be cancelled in the academic year 2021/2022; a last resit opportunity will be offered then).
- International Trade for E&BE (First year mandatory course for students in BSc Economics and Business Economics)
- Research Seminar for ED&G (Mandatory applied econometrics course for MSc Economic Development & Globalisation)
- Trade policy and economic integration (Second year mandatory course for BSc Economics and BSc Economics & Business)
I hold University Teaching Qualification from the Netherlands (UTQ/BKO).
In the past, I was involved in the teaching of the following courses:
- Economics in A Real World Perspective (Utrecht)
- Econometrics (Bachelor level, Utrecht)
- Growth and Development Economics (Utrecht)
- Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade (Groningen)
- Mathematics II (Groningen)
- Macroeconomics II (Second year level, Groningen and Utrecht)
Last modified: | 09 December 2024 12.47 p.m. |