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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. ir. W.L. (wim) Leendertse


Collective Learning in Project-Oriented Organisations in Infrastructure Planning: Interaction for Adaptation

Facilitating learning for organisational resilience in project-oriented (public infrastructure) organisations

Enhancing ambidextrous and learning capacities for the resilience of public infrastructure administrators

How Can Co-Creation Support Capacity Building for Adaptive Spatial Planning? Exploring Evidence from a Co-Creative Planning Process in The Netherlands

Room for uncertainty in infrastructure planning: How continuous certainification by decision makers results in more uncertainty

Balancing hedging and flexing for inclusive project management

Co-Evolution of Organizations in Infrastructure Planning: The Role of Communities of Practice as Windows for Collective Learning Across Project-Oriented Organizations

Collective learning in project-oriented organisations in infrastructure planning: Interaction for adaptation

Enhancing the Use of Flood Resilient Spatial Planning in Dutch Water Management: A Study of Barriers and Opportunities in Practice

Learning across teams in project-oriented organisations: The role of programme management

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