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Collective Learning in Project-Oriented Organisations in Infrastructure Planning: Interaction for Adaptation

Facilitating learning for organisational resilience in project-oriented (public infrastructure) organisations

How do polycentric governance systems adapt? The role of forums explored in Dutch metropolitan areas

Balancing hedging and flexing for inclusive project management

Enhancing ambidextrous and learning capacities for the resilience of public infrastructure administrators

How Can Co-Creation Support Capacity Building for Adaptive Spatial Planning? Exploring Evidence from a Co-Creative Planning Process in The Netherlands

Room for uncertainty in infrastructure planning: How continuous certainification by decision makers results in more uncertainty

Co-Evolution of Organizations in Infrastructure Planning: The Role of Communities of Practice as Windows for Collective Learning Across Project-Oriented Organizations

Collective learning in project-oriented organisations in infrastructure planning: Interaction for adaptation

Enhancing the Use of Flood Resilient Spatial Planning in Dutch Water Management: A Study of Barriers and Opportunities in Practice


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