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University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. W.C.M. (Willibrord) Weijmar Schultz

Professor of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Willibrord Weijmar Schultz has been affiliated with the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) since 1977 following a two-year contract as a medical officer in charge of the Akahaba Abiriba Joint Hospital, Abiriba, Nigeria. In 1983 he completed his training as a gynecologist, and started, funded by the KWF, as a researcher at the O&G department. This resulted in a cum laude dissertation in 1991 on the topic "Sexual functioning after gynecological cancer treatment". In 1987 he became Assistant Professor and in 1996 Associate Professor. In 2005 he gave his inaugural address because of his appointment as professor in Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology under the title: “Just take her seriously”.

In the 1980s he established a Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology / Sexology outpatient clinic at the UMCG. In 1988 he succeeded Prof. Kremer as head of the Groningen Gender Team. He continued to perform this function until his retirement in 2013. Over that period he became the (co) author of many peer-reviewed publications and contributions to books. But his main focus was and remained patient care and education of medical students/residents. He was president of the Education Committee of the O&G Department for 16 years. On a national level he was for several years president of the Dutch Working Party for Psychosomatics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (WPOG) , president of the NVVS registration committee and president of the Center for Sexual Health and of STIMEZO in Groningen. From 2000 to 2013 he was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology.


  • Prof. dr. Brummelkamp award. 1991
  • Betty Bos OLIJF award. 1992
  • Hector Treub award.1997
  • Ig Nobel Prize Medicine - Presented to Willibrord Weijmar Schultz, Pek van Andel, and Eduard Mooyaart of Groningen, the Netherlands, and Ida Sabelis of Amsterdam, for their illuminating report "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Male and Female Genitals During Coitus and Female Sexual Arousal". 2000
  • Clinical teacher of the year. 2000

Supervised theses

  • Esmé Nijland: Effects of hormone treatment on sexual functioning in postmenopausal women. Pharamacological intervention and female sexuality: a complex, controversial clinical and social issue. 2008
  • Harold Kedde: Sexual health of people with disability and chronic illness. 2013
  • Claire Stramrood: Posttraumatic stress following pregnancy and childbirth. 2013
  • Charmaine Borg: Disgust and Sexual Dysfunction. 2013
  • Kor Spoelstra: The Genito-Pelvic Pain / Penetration Disorder Paradigm and Beyond. 2017
Last modified:25 June 2022 01.27 a.m.