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Astrocytic TIMP-1 regulates production of Anastellin, an inhibitor of oligodendrocyte differentiation and FTY720 responses

Spatially resolved gene signatures of white matter lesion progression in multiple sclerosis

Cellular and molecular factors that drive the behavior of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in physiological conditions and disease

Citrullinated human and murine MOG35–55 display distinct biophysical and biochemical behavior

In silico-in vitro modeling to uncover cues involved in establishing microglia identity: TGF-β3 and laminin can drive microglia signature gene expression

Pathological ultrastructural alterations of myelinated axons in normal appearing white matter in progressive multiple sclerosis

Selective PDE4 subtype inhibition provides new opportunities to intervene in neuroinflammatory versus myelin damaging hallmarks of multiple sclerosis

Sequential treatment with a TNFR2 agonist and a TNFR1 antagonist improves outcomes in a humanized mouse model for MS

Investigating demyelination, efficient remyelination and remyelination failure in organotypic cerebellar slice cultures: Workflow and practical tips

Missense mutation of MAL causes a rare leukodystrophy similar to Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease

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UMCG krijgt bijna zes ton voor onderzoek naar Multiple Sclerosis

lezing Publieksacademie UMCG

TNRR2 als een aangrijpingspunt voor de behandeling van MS