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Concanavalin A staining: a potential biomarker to predict cytarabine sensitivity in acute myeloid leukemia

COPD Patients Display Increased Peripheral Blood Somatic Mutations Which Associate With the Prevalence of Co-morbidities

Design of Vaterite Nanoparticles for Controlled Delivery of Active Immunotherapeutic Proteins

High frequency of severe hyperglycemia observed during intensive hematological care: a prospective study using continuous glucose monitoring

VISTA drives macrophages towards a pro-tumoral phenotype that promotes cancer cell phagocytosis yet down-regulates T cell responses

EGFR-selective activation of CD27 co-stimulatory signaling by a bispecific antibody enhances anti-tumor activity of T cells

Galectin-9 has non-apoptotic cytotoxic activity toward acute myeloid leukemia independent of cytarabine resistance

Signal regulatory protein beta 2 is a novel positive regulator of innate anticancer immunity

An Integrative Genomic Strategy Identifies Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products as a Causal and Protective Biomarker of Lung Function

Galectin-9 Triggers Neutrophil-Mediated Anticancer Immunity