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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. V.I. (Veroni) Eichelsheim


“I Did Not Want to Make a Bigger Deal Out of It than It Was”: A Mixed-Method Study on the Help-Seeking Behavior of Victims of Image-Based Sexual Harassment and Abuse

Over generaties: Intergenerationele patronen van deviant gedrag

The Help-Seeking Behavior of Victims of Image-Based Sexual Harassment and Abuse: A Scoping Review

The risk and protective factors for entering organized crime groups and their association with different entering mechanisms: A systematic review using ASReview

Understanding Co-Offending Patterns and Criminal Mentorship Using Police Registry Data

Why Do Bystanders Report Intimate Partner Violence? Insights into Real-Life Reasoning from Those Who Actually Intervened

Decision-making by and for adults with impaired capacity: The potential of the Dutch levenstestament

“Sometimes It Seems Easier to Push It Away”: A Study Into the Barriers to Help-Seeking for Victims of Sexual Violence

Stay Home, Stay Safe? The Impact of the COVID-19 Restrictions on the Prevalence, Nature, and Type of Reporter of Domestic Violence in the Netherlands

Correction to: Intergenerational continuity of crime among children of organized crime offenders in the Netherlands (Crime, Law and Social Change, (2022), 77, 2, (207-227), 10.1007/s10611-021-09970-1)


Expert opinion in Telegraaf: Taakstraf voor ouders die criminele kinderen goed opvoeden?