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About us Practical matters How to find us dr. V.E. (Vera) Heininga

Research interests

  • Youths' mental health and well-being
  • Resilience in youth
  • Emotion regulation
  • Experience-sampling (ESM)/ Ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
  • Open Science


Positive affective functioning in anhedonic individuals' daily life: Anything but Flat and Blunted

I just ran a thousand analyses: benefits of multiple testing in understanding equivocal evidence on gene-environment interactions

Reward and punishment learning in daily life: A replication study

An exploratory randomized controlled trial of personalized lifestyle advice and tandem skydives as a means to reduce anhedonia

The effects of a personalized lifestyle advice and tandem skydive on pleasure in anhedonic young adults

Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to explore the effects of personalized lifestyle advices and tandem skydives on pleasure in anhedonic young adults

From anticipation to action: A RCT on mental imagery exercises in daily life as a motivational amplifier for individuals with depressive symptoms

Predictors, daily correlates, and effects on future functioning of resilience in patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

A multi-informant, multi-method study into the mental health and well-being of Dutch children and adolescents: Ieder Kind Is Anders

Effect of Daily Life Reward Loop Functioning on the Course of Depression

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Academy Ter Meulen Grants Awards 2017

Van ‘gesloten’ wetenschap naar Open Science

Open Science, preprints, ethical boards and fast research in “the COVID era”

Big study to understand the experience of happiness in Dutch children and adolescents

RUG start onderzoek naar geluksgevoel Nederlandse kinderen en jongeren

RUG start onderzoek naar psychisch welzijn Nederlandse jeugd

Government be transparent in the fight against coronavirus

Too much work, too little time: The laborious transition to open access

IN LOVE WITH A COLLEAGUE: No kissing in the workplace

Cheerleaders van de wetenschap

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