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GeneNetTools: Tests for Gaussian graphical models with shrinkage

Improved reconstruction of molecular networks with Gaussian graphical models

Angiogenic regulatory influence of extracellular matrix deposited by resting state asthmatic and non-asthmatic airway smooth muscle cells is similar

The sputum transcriptome better predicts COPD exacerbations after the withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids than sputum eosinophils

The 'un-shrunk' partial correlation in Gaussian graphical models

Correction for the shrinkage effect in Gaussian graphical models

Uncertainty propagation in shrinkage-based partial correlations

Exact hypothesis testing for shrinkage based Gaussian Graphical Models

Gene network approach reveals co-expression patterns in nasal and bronchial epithelium

Significance Tests for Gaussian Graphical Models Based on Shrunken Densities

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