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Sex-specific nest attendance rhythm and foraging habitat use in a colony-breeding waterbird

Prey ingestion rates revealed by back-mounted accelerometers in Eurasian spoonbills

Low fitness at low latitudes: Wintering in the tropics increases migratory delays and mortality rates in an arctic-breeding shorebird

Accounting for heterogeneity when estimating stopover duration, timing and population size of red knots along the Luannan Coast of Bohai Bay, China

Density-dependent growth of bivalves dominating the intertidal zone of Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania: Importance of feeding mode, habitat and season

Filling knowledge gaps in a threatened shorebird flyway through satellite tracking

Unexpected dietary preferences of Eurasian Spoonbills in the Dutch Wadden Sea: Spoonbills mainly feed on small fish not shrimp

An age-dependent fitness cost of migration?: Old trans-Saharan migrating spoonbills breed later than those staying in Europe, and late breeders have lower recruitment

Colony-breeding Eurasian Spoonbills in the Netherlands: Local limits to population growth with expansion into new areas

Individual shifts toward safety explain age-related foraging distribution in a gregarious shorebird


Verder trekken loont niet altijd voor overwinteraars

9th International Spoonbill Workshop on قناة الزيتونة | Zitouna TV

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In Focus on Spoonbills: Stay-at-home strategy brings fitness benefits to migrants

Shrinking shorebird pays the bill for rapid Arctic warming while wintering in the tropics

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