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prof. dr. T.R. (Tom) Casier

Professor in Global Politics of Europe
Profile picture of prof. dr. T.R. (Tom) Casier

Tom Casier is Chair in Global Politics of Europe at the University of Groningen. He joined the university’s Department of International Relations and International Organisation in November 2023. Before, he held diverse academic positions at the Brussels School of International Studies (University of Kent, 2007-2023).  He led BSIS as Academic Director from 2014 to 2017 and was Director of the Global Europe Centre. Earlier he was lecturing at Maastricht University and at KU Leuven, where he was also Visiting Professor.

His research is at the intersection of International Relations and European Studies. He focuses mainly on EU–Russia relations, Russian foreign policy, the EU and its eastern neighbours, as well as on hegemony and global change. He has an interest in theoretical contributions from Social Psychology to the field of International Relations. Recent articles have appeared in JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and Conflict, Geopolitics and Democratization. An edited volume entitled EU–Russia Relations in Crisis: Understanding Diverging Perceptions (with Joan DeBardeleben, 2018)  and one entitled Hegemony and world order: Reimagining power in global politics (with Piotr Dutkiewicz and Jan Aart Scholte, 2021) were published with Routledge.

Tom Casier held a Jean Monnet Chair and was involved in several EU-funded projects, mainly on EU-Russia relations and on European foreign policy, most recently the Erasmus+ project RENPET (2020-2024). Currently he is a partner in the project ‘Challenges and opportunities for EU heritage diplomacy in Ukraine’ (Jean Monnet Policy Debate), led by KU Leuven. At the University of Kent, Tom was first supervisor of twelve PhD students who have successfully completed.

Last modified:30 November 2023 5.39 p.m.