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dr. T.L.J. (Thijs) Broekhuizen

Associate Professor

Thijs Broekhuizen (download CV as PDF) is Associate Professor at the Department of Innovation Management & Strategy. Since January 2020, he is also the scientific director of the University of Groningen Business School

His main research interests relate to the value creation and appropriation of innovations in technology-based settings characterized by fierce competition and changing environments. His research is interdisciplinary and bridges the fields of strategy, innovation, and digitalization. He investigates the development and performance of digital business models, and how firms can appropriate value from their (digital) innovations by responding to digital/disruptive technologies.

He has published, or his papers are forthcoming, in journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industry & Innovation, Futures, Business Horizons, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, and Journal of Business Research.

He has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for several journals (IJRM, JAMS, JMS, RP, JPIM, JSR, BH, JBR), and participated as a jury member in research applications (NWO, Narodowe Centrum Nauki/Poland, Research Council Norway). He applied for and won four major European grants (Interreg-TALENT4S3, Interreg-SIRM, Interreg-PASSPARTOOL, and FP6-eRep). He is a board member of the Groningen Digital Business Center.

At the University of Groningen, he teaches strategy, innovation, and digital subjects for academic and executive programmes. He served as director of the MSc BA programme between 2014-2020. Since 2021, he has been the programme director of the Executive MBA that includes the following tracks: Energy Transition, Health, Food and Retail, and Sustainable Business Models. He has co-developed three of these programmes (Energy Transition and Health launched in 2021; Sustainable Business Models launched in 2023).

In terms of valorization activities, he maintains close relationships with national and international stakeholders of regional innovation systems. Through practitioner-oriented policy reports, publications, and workshops, he shares his expertise with them. In three Interreg projects (Talent4S3, SIRM, and PASSPARTOOL), together with his colleagues, he has informed policymakers about solving their regional innovation challenges. Since 2018, he has coordinated the Northern-Netherlands Innovation Monitor (co-organized with SNN and the three Northern provinces), surveying now more than 10,000 SMEs. His research is frequently covered in the popular press and media. He contributed to two industry reports reflecting the State of the Northern Netherlands and evaluated the effectiveness of two regional innovation policy instruments. He frequently visits conferences and symposia and simultaneously acts as a moderator or workshop leader on strategy, innovation, and digitalization.



  • August 2014-present  Associate Professor of Innovation Management and Strategy, FEB, University of Groningen.
  • September 2008-2014  Assistant Professor of Innovation Management and Strategy, FEB, University of Groningen.
  • September 2006-2008  Post-Doctoral Researcher, Strategy & Innovation, FEB, University of Groningen.



  • 2021-Now Director of EMBA
  • 2020-Now Scientific Director of UGBS
  • 2019-Now Member "Stuurgroep" Groningen Digital Business Centre
  • 2018-Now Coordinator Northern Netherlands Innovation Monitor
  • 2017-2020 Chair Signature Area Digital Business Models
  • 2015-2020     Director of MScBA 
  • 2011-2014     Track Director of MScBA SIM
  • 2008-2014     Master Thesis Coordinator MScBA SIM
  • 2009-2012     Member of Programme Committee of the MScBA



  • 2024-2028 €165K TALENT4S3. Interreg Europe led by Fundecy (Extremadura, Spain). Total budget: €1.6 million. Together with Sierdjan Koster, and Agata Troost.
  • 2023-2027 €189K Socioeconomic Integration of Refugees and Migrants (SIRM). Interreg Europe led by RRDA (Rzsezow, Poland). Total budget: €1.3 million. Together with Florian Noseleit, Michael Wyrwich, and Sandra Nijgh.
  • 2019-2023   €123K PassPartool. Interreg Europe led by Arti (Bari, Italy). Total budget: 1.6 million. Together with Erzsi Meerstra-De Haan & Florian Noseleit, Michael Wyrwich.
  • 2006-2008   €300K FP6 project EU, eRep: Social Knowledge for E-Governance, led by CNR-ISTC (Rome, Italy). Total budget: € 1.2 million. Together with Wander Jager, Mirjam Tuk, and Debra Trampe.



  • 2017-2018      Certificate - Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap
  • 2010                Certificate – Dutch University Teaching Quality Standard
Last modified:12 May 2024 3.50 p.m.