prof. dr. T.L. (Talitha) Feenstra

Ongoing projects
Better cost estimates for scarce human resources in HTA using the production possibilities frontier. (2025-2027)
PI. Lack of sufficiently qualified personnel already is an issue in Dutch healthcare, and this will only increase in the future. Hence, novel programs in healthcare need to be evaluated for their impact on use of scarce human resources. In principle, existing methods for cost-effectiveness analysis do this, provided unit costs used sufficiently reflect scarcity. The latter is not the case currently, due to labor market failures. In this project, we investigate methods for better estimates of labor costs, reflecting scarcity, by further developing methods from Data envelopment analysis. This project will last 24 months and start spring/summer 2025.
COHESION, ChrOnic Heart failure Extra pharmacotherapeutic Support Individualized On patient Needs. (2024-2029)
CO-PI, responsible for the HTA part.
Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) has a high impact on healthcare and society. Multidisciplinary multicomponent transitional interventions, including pharmaceutical care and tailored to the individual patient, have shown promising results. Therefore, this project aims to develop a longitudinal and personalized pharmaceutical care program for patients with CHF, to assess the effect of this program on guideline directed medical therapy (GDMT) and to determine factors relevant for sustainable implementation. A health technology assessment (HTA), including a cost-effectiveness evaluation will be part of the project, as will the exploration of factors relevant for sustainable implementation.
EVANEMENT, EVAluating prevention policy for better MENTal Health (2023-2027)
PI and coordinator. RIVM strategic research project to develop a health impact model and economic module suitable to evaluate youth mental health policy. Joint work with RIVM; Trimbos; MIND; NJI; VU;UG.
Selected past projects.
Multi use disease models (2019-2020)
PI. Work supported by the Dutch National Healthcare Institute to investigate different options to stimulate development of multi-use health economic decision models and support models based on diseases rather than treatments. Consortium of researchers from various Dutch HTA groups.
AdViSHE, Assessment of the Validation Status of Health Economic decision models (2013-2015 & additional implementation funding, VIMP 2016-2018)
AdViSHE is a validation status reporting tool for Health Economic decision models.
PI. Financed by ZONMW, a tool has been developed that gives quick insight into the validation status of a health economic decision model, by providing an overview of tests performed and their results. In addition the role of stakeholders in model assessment was investigated.
Tool: AdViSHE can be downloaded here:
Rhapsody, Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification (2017-2021)
CO-PI. An IMI2 granted project aimed at discovery and analysis of biomarkers for incidence and prognosis of Diabetes. WP Modeling and Economic evaluation.
IMPROVE, Optimale kwaliteit en doelmatigheid in de Friese GGZ. (2015-2021)
CO-PI and project manager. Improving Mental Health care using Personalized treatment based on analyses of Routine data for Optimal Value and Effectiveness. Cooperation with UCP, RGOC, GGZ Friesland, LPGGZ, and Trimbos. Grant from Stichting De Friesland.
Developed smart ways to apply routine data concerning outcomes, healthcare use and treatment from various sources within mental healthcare for improvement of quality and efficiency of treatment. Cases in depression and psychosis.
Regional public health modeling (2014-2018).
Joint project by UMCG and RIVM. Aim was to develop efficient ways of using national and regional data to populate regional public health models.
Last modified: | 10 February 2025 10.28 a.m. |