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Demography and Income in the 21st Century: A Long-Run Perspective

Going Dutch? Firm exports and FDI in the wake of the 2014 EU-Russia sanctions

EXITitis in the UK: Gravity Estimates in the Aftermath of Brexit

What's in a Name? Initial Geography and German Urban Development

Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions Symposium: Extraterritorial Sanctions – Overcompliance and Globalization

EXITitis in the UK: Gravity Estimates in the Aftermath of Brexit

In and out of the penalty box: U.S. sanctions and their effects on international trade

Nederland en de (hervorming van de) Wereldhandelsorganisatie

Phase out tariffs, phase in trade?

Trade Blocs

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Global shifts in income and trade: developments until 2100

El centro de gravedad del comercio mundial

El centro de gravedad del comercio mundial

Vooral Russische vergeldingsacties doen Nederlandse exporteurs pijn

De schade van een handelshek om Nederland: De NEXIT optie is een slecht idee van de PVV

Canada's response to the EU Deforestation Regulation and its impact on trade

The Faculty of Economics and Business looks back on a successful ETSG conference

Oorlog, voedselcrisis en corona: 'WTO-top in Genève wordt uitdagend'

‘Deglobalisering is al 10 jaar aan de gang’

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