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Real-time speech segregation and listening effort during speech-on-speech masking - examination based on a visual world paradigm

Short Implicit Voice Training Affects Listening Effort During a Voice Cue Sensitivity Task With Vocoder-Degraded Speech

The effect of explicit and implicit voice training on speech-on-speech intelligibility and listening effort

The effect of voice cue differences on performance and effort during speech-on-speech listening

The Role of Word Content, Sentence Information, and Vocoding for Voice Cue Perception

FORUM: Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics

Voice familiarity via training affects listening effort during a voice cue sensitivity task with vocoder degraded speech

The effect of monetary reward on listening effort and sentence recognition

The effects of lexical content, acoustic and linguistic variability, and vocoding on voice cue perception

Best Practices and Advice for Using Pupillometry to Measure Listening Effort: An Introduction for Those Who Want to Get Started

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