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dr. T.E. (Thijs) Lijster

Assistant Professor Philosophy of Art and Culture
Profile picture of dr. T.E. (Thijs) Lijster

I teach in the BA Arts, Culture and Media, the MA Arts and Culture and the ReMA Arts, Media, and Literary Studies of the Faculty of Arts, and in the program of University College Groningen (UCG).

I acted as course instructor in the following modules:

  • Philosophy of Art 1. BA Course KCM
  • Arts and Media in Society. ReMA Course AMLS
  • Theories and Analysis. ReMA Course AMLS
  • Arts and the Public Sphere. MA Course KCM
  • Culture Criticism. BA Course University College Groningen
  • ReMA tutorials on a.o. 'The sublime in art', Jacques Rancière's aesthetics and Adorno's Aesthetic Theory.
  • Art Criticism: History, Theory and Practice (with Julian Hanich). MA Course, KCM (2016-2017)
  • Tekst, context en debat: Dialectiek van de Verlichting, BA Wijsbegeerte, UvA (2013-2014 en 2016-2017)
  • The Art of the Essay. Tutorial University College Groningen (2016)
  • BA Scriptiecursus (2015-2016)
  • Denken over kunst 2b: Kunst en moraal (2015)
  • Cultuurfilosofie 3: Media en Identiteit. BA Wijsbegeerte (2007-2014)
  • Cultuurfilosofie 2: Modernisme en Postmodernisme. BA Wijsbegeerte (2012-2014)
  • Filosofische tekst: Horkheimers en Adorno's Dialectiek van de Verlichting, BA Wijsbegeerte UvA (2011-2012)
Last modified:26 May 2024 4.10 p.m.