prof. dr. S. (Sofia) Voutsaki

Major projects
2011- Director of North Cemetery, Ayios Vasileios Project. General director: A. Vasilogamvrou. (Fieldwork financed by Groningen Institute of Archaeology; Research Grants from Ammodo Foundation, NL, Institute of Aegean Prehistory, USA, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Mediterranean Archaeology Trust, UK)
2015- Director of Ayios Vasileios Survey. Co-director: A. Vasilogamvrou. Field Director: C. Wiersma (Funding from Brennan Foundation, Michael Ventris Award, UK, Institute of Aegean Prehistory, USA, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Gerda Henkel Foundation)
2018- Director of Halos Landscape Project (Fieldwork financed by Groningen Institute of Archaeology)
2003-2008 Director of NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls VIDI Project Shifting Identities: Social change and cultural interaction in the Middle Helladic Argolid (2100-1700 BC)
2007-2013 Director of Argos Tumuli Project (Research Grants from Institute of Aegean Prehistory, US and Mediterranean Archaeology Trust, UK)
Other research
Mortuary practices, ritual, economy and the organisation of the palatial system in Mycenaean Greece
The origins of social inequality in the Bronze Aegean
The Middle Bronze Age in the southern mainland
Mycenaean Laconia and the political organisation of the Mycenaean world
Integration of archaeological and bioarchaeological data in the study of mortuary practices from the prehistoric Aegean to the Roman world
Research on the history of Greek archaeology and the ideological use of the past in Greece
Heritage studies
Organisation of Conferences
2022 Session Multi-proxy approaches to the study of kisnhip in the Greco-Roman world, European Association of Archaeologists Meeting (Budapest)
2022 5th Necropoleis Research Network Meeting (Athens)
2020 Co-organizer of Mortuary Studies Workshop (Groningen)
2019 Co-organizer of Mortuary Studies Workshop (Groningen)
2018 Session Economy, society and health-related quality of life in the ancient world: Bioarchaeological perspectives from the Eastern Mediterranean, 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology (Bonn)
2018 Mortuary Studies Workshop (Groningen)
2017 Session “The “Great Divide” once more? Archaeology in the North and South of Europe, European Association of Archaeologists Meeting (Maastricht)
2016 1st meeting Necropoleis Research Network (Groningen)
2015 Symposium Dutch Research in the Mediterranean and the Near East (Groningen)
2013 Expert meeting on Cemetery Studies (Groningen, 2013)
2013 Symposium Explaining Change in Aegean prehistory (Groningen)
2012 Workshop on Bones, Bodies, Persons (Groningen)
2010 Conference on Diet, economy and society in the ancient Greek world (Athens)
2009 Archaeology & Theory Symposium (Groningen)
2007 Workshop and International Conference of Middle Helladic Argolid Project (Athens)
2006 International Conference on MESOHELLADIKA: The Middle Bronze Age in the Greek mainland (Athens)
2005 Archaeology & Theory Symposium on Landscape (Groningen)
2002 Conference on Ancient Monuments and Modern identities: the history of Greek archaeology in the 19th and 20th centuries (Cambridge, UK)
2000 Workshop on Mycenaean workshops (Cambridge, UK)
1999 Conference The Mycenaean Palatial System (Cambridge, UK)
Last modified: | 10 September 2022 4.09 p.m. |