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Research interests

Elderly care medicine and dementia


Comparison of medical care needs and actual care in German and Dutch nursing home residents: A cross-sectional study conducted in neighboring European countries

COVID-19 measures implemented for nursing home staff and their perspectives on the importance of the measures: A qualitative study

Differences in emergency department visits and hospitalization between German and Dutch nursing home residents: a cross-national survey

Effects of a music therapy and music listening intervention for nursing home residents with dementia: a randomized controlled trial

End-of-life care in German and Dutch nursing homes: a cross-sectional study on nursing home staff's perspective in 2022

Patterns of psychotropic drug prescriptions and general practice consultations among community-dwelling older people with dementia during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

Sensor-based agitation prediction in institutionalized people with dementia A systematic review

The effects of individual music therapy in nursing home residents with dementia to improve general well-being: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

The Moral and Gender Implications of Measures Used to Modulate the Mobility of People With Dementia Living in Residential Care Environments: A Scoping Review

The prognosis of delirium in older outpatients

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Woensdag naar de stembus: alle volwassen Nederlanders mogen stemmen, op één categorie na

Woensdag naar de stembus: alle volwassen Nederlanders mogen stemmen, op één categorie na

Veranderingen in de ouderenzorg

Ouderenzorg gaat op de schop: ‘Zorg is niet vanzelfsprekend meer'

Ontwikkeling technologische interventies voor dementie

Drie miljoen voor hulp voor mensen met dementie

Drie miljoen voor toegankelijke praktijkoplossingen bij dementie

UMCG betrokken bij groot onderzoek naar hulp voor mensen met dementie

Alzheimer Nederland investeert drie miljoen in toegankelijke praktijkoplossingen bij dementie

Alzheimer Nederland investeert in praktijkoplossingen

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