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From diagnosis to dialogue – reconsidering the DSM as a conversation piece in mental health care: a hypothesis and theory

Psychiatrization of society

Editorial: Psychiatrization of society

ADHD and reification: Four ways a psychiatric construct is portrayed as a disease

Psychiatrization of Society: A Conceptual Framework and Call for Transdisciplinary Research

Richtlijn Voorlichting ADHD

Richtlijn Voorlichting ADHD gelanceerd

ADHD and brain anatomy: What do academic textbooks used in the Netherlands tell students?

Psychiatrization of, with and by children: Drawing a complex picture

What children and young people learn about ADHD from youth information books: A text analysis of nine books on ADHD available in Dutch

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Klassenfeestjes een feestelijke manier om sociale uitsluiting tegen te gaan

The Faulty Reasoning That Turned ADHD Into a Disease
