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Antipsychotica na een eerste psychose

Exploring peripheral biomarkers of response to simvastatin supplementation in schizophrenia

In the afterglow: Immune dysfunction in schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Lower fractional anisotropy without evidence for neuro-inflammation in patients with early-phase schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Personal recovery in first-episode psychosis: Beyond clinical and functional recovery

Association between gut permeability, brain volume, and cognition in healthy participants and patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder

Complement component 4A protein levels are negatively related to frontal volumes in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Longitudinal clinical and functional outcome in distinct cognitive subgroups of first-episode psychosis: a cluster analysis

The association of childhood trauma with depressive and negative symptoms in recent onset psychosis: a sex-specific analysis

The impact of cannabidiol treatment on resting state functional connectivity, prefrontal metabolite levels and reward processing in recent-onset patients with a psychotic disorder

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