dr. ir. S. (Sanderine) Nonhebel
Associate professor environmental sciences

+31 50 36 34269 (secretary)
s.nonhebel rug.nl
My research involves the environmental impacts of food production and the options to reduce the impacts. It includes both the production (agriculture) as the consumption patterns (diets). The research line on sustainable food issues was initiated 25 years ago. In those times very limited number of scientists (20 globally) were interested in this subject. We developed methods to determine environmental impacts of individual food items (Kramer et all, 1999 and Gerbens Leenes & Nonhebel 2000). A recent overview (Pure and Nemacek, 2018) showed that since then 40.000 scientific papers on this issue have been published globally using methods based on the ones we designed long ago. In the meantime this scientific knowledge have reached the public. People know what (carbon) footprints are and that food production has a large environmental impact. There is a lot of interest in society for this issue. The present nitrogen issue in the Netherlands makes that many organizations are interested/worried and I obtain many requests for interviews and talks. Besides the food issue I also pay attention to biomass production for other purposes, bioenergy, biogas and bioplastics. And of cause the competion beteen food and fuel. I teach in the Msc programm Energy and Environmental Sciences and I am guest lecturing on this subject in a large number of courses at various faculties within our university, at the University of Applied Sciences, and at other universities in The Netherlands and abroad.
Last modified: | 05 March 2024 3.49 p.m. |