dr. ing. S.N. (Stefanie) Vink

I am owner of GreenFinch Research and a guest researcher in the Salles lab.
Currently I am a PI on the Waddenfonds funded project "Understanding the salty clay soil (De zilte kleibodem doorgronden)" in collaboration with Jan Henk Venema (RUG) at the Dubbele Dijk. The aim of this project is to better underdstand how specific amendments can regenerate a poor, salty soil and whether crop rotatations can facilitate the growth of 6 potato cultivars. In this project there is a strong focus on examining processes in the soil, in particular the microbiome. Additionally, I will be working on a JTF project examining rhizobia in various legumes (Vicia sp.) grown on the soil of the Dubbele Dijk.
Previously I worked on the PotatoMetabiome project in the Salles lab and was a co-PI on a USGS-funded project examining belowground mutualists to improve pollinator habitats and collaborated on a project examining the potential use of AM fungi to control weeds in agriculture.
Last modified: | 28 August 2024 12.41 p.m. |