S.M. (Suzanne) Manizza-Roszak, Dr
I arrived at the University of Groningen in January of 2021 after serving as an assistant professor of English at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. I hold a PhD in comparative literature from Yale and an MFA in creative writing from the University of California, Irvine. I am the author of three monographs in literary studies: Intersecting Diasporas (SUNY Press 2021), Uncanny Youth: Childhood, the Gothic, and the Literary Americas (University of Wales Press 2022), and They Also Write for Kids (University Press of Mississippi 2023). Essays taken from these projects and other journal articles of mine have appeared in ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature; Arizona Quarterly; Children's Literature; Children's Literature Association Quarterly; Comparative Literature; Contemporary Women's Writing; Green Letters; Journal of Modern Literature; LIT: Literature, Interpretation, Theory; Modern Language Review; Neophilologus; and Studies in the Novel. My research has been supported by the Diversity Research Award from the Children's Literature Association and with SSH Open XS and Impact Explorer grants from the Dutch Research Council.
I also write creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. My full-length poetry collection Sicilianas won the Lauria/Frasca Poetry Prize from Bordighera Press and was first finalist for the North American Poetry Book Award, judged by Lisa Russ Spaar; my debut novel, The Poison Girl, is forthcoming from Spuyten Duyvil in 2024, and I am currently at work on my first middle-grade novel. My poems have appeared in journals including Colorado Review, Crab Orchard Review, Poetry Northwest, Third Coast, and Verse Daily; my CNF and short fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in ANMLY, DIAGRAM, failbetter, The Journal, Necessary Fiction, ROOM, South Dakota Review, and elsewhere. I am the managing editor of Seneca Review and read submissions of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry for literary magazines including SR and Cutbank.
Last modified: | 07 October 2024 3.50 p.m. |