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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.M. (Stefanie) de Vries, MSc


The DiaNAH Test Battery: a 30-minute screening to assess visual perceptual disorders after acquired brain injury

The DiaNAH test battery for visual perceptual disorders: Validity and efficacy in rehabilitation practice

Perception in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

De DiaNAH-testbatterij: een screeningsinstrument voor visuele perceptiestoornissen

De Normering en Validering van de Visuele DiaNAH-Testbatterij

Neuropsychological assessment of adults with ADHD: A Delphi consensus study

Screening of visual perceptual disorders following acquired brain injury: A Delphi study

A 30-minute screening for the assessment of visual perceptual disorders following acquired brain injury

Screening for visual perceptual disorders with the DiaNAH test battery: validity and efficacy in rehabilitation practice

Screening of visual perceptual disorders following acquired brain injury

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