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Research interests

My research focus has been on improving elderly care and in particular, the care of people with dementia using both pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. In my PhD thesis and later at the UMCG, I evaluated the use of psychotropic drugs in nursing home residents with dementia. Through my findings, I proposed recommendations to strengthen the involvement of informal and formal caregivers and health care professionals to make informed decisions regarding the selection of effective (non−) pharmacological approaches to challenging behaviours. In order for nursing homes to improve the involvement of these stakeholders, I developed together with implementation experts an online toolbox.  

I have continued this research and have contributed towards the understanding of elderly care over the last 5 years at UMCG. As project leader, I set up a multinational trial to study the effects of music therapy on the severity of depressive symptoms, well-being and quality of life in people with dementia living in a nursing home. For the first time in dementia care research, we collected hair and saliva samples on a great scale. The analyses of these samples will provide information regarding the stress level of the nursing home residents before and after music therapy. These measurements are objective and do not impose extra workload for formal caregivers.

In my research I use new technologies such as the MOSART+ application to raise awareness regarding the soundscape in nursing home staff to decrease challenging behaviors. Our randomized clinical trial proved that the intervention is effective and nursing staff appreciates the educational aspects of the intervention which facilitates the implementation of the intervention.

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Comparison of medical care needs and actual care in German and Dutch nursing home residents: A cross-sectional study conducted in neighboring European countries

COVID-19 measures implemented for nursing home staff and their perspectives on the importance of the measures: A qualitative study

Developing a research agenda on NATure-based and Animal-assisted Intervention Strategies (NATAIS) in people with neurodegenerative diseases with a specific focus on social isolation and loneliness: a group concept mapping procedure

Differences in emergency department visits and hospitalization between German and Dutch nursing home residents: a cross-national survey

End-of-life care in German and Dutch nursing homes: a cross-sectional study on nursing home staff's perspective in 2022

Patterns of psychotropic drug prescriptions and general practice consultations among community-dwelling older people with dementia during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

Public health care staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison of job demands and work functioning between temporary and permanent staff

Reframing motherhood in dementia research: A call for action

Sensor-based agitation prediction in institutionalized people with dementia A systematic review

The effects of individual music therapy in nursing home residents with dementia to improve general well-being: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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Verpleeghuismedewerkers kampen steeds vaker met burn-out klachten

Steeds meer verpleeghuismedewerkers kampen met burn-out klachten

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Die Zahl der Pflegeheimmitarbeiter mit Burnout-Beschwerden wächst JETZT

Verpleeghuismedewerkers kampen steeds vaker met burn-outklachten

Onderzoek UMCG: Aantal verpleeghuismedewerkers met burn-out neemt toe

Onderzoek: meer verpleeghuismedewerkers hebben burn-outklachten

UMCG: Steeds meer verpleeghuismedewerkers kampen met burn-out klachten

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