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Greening democracy: The anti-nuclear movement and political environmentalism in West Germany and beyond, 1968-1983

Green Politics in Germany: Special Issue of German Politics and Society

Thinking Globally, Acting (Trans-)Locally: Petra Kelly and the Transnational Roots of West German Green Politics

The Elephant in the Seminar Room: Should the PhD be saved?

From Tinkerers to Consultants: Individual Engagement, Reunification and the Making of Germany’s Renewable Energy Sector

From the Margins to the Core: How Woman-led Anti-Nuclear Protest influenced Parliamentary Politics and Christian Democracy in 1970s West Germany

"Alle reden vom Wetter.": Zur Geschichte eines Slogans und zur wandelnden Bedeutung von Umweltthemen in den sozialen Bewegungen und in der Politik

A Struggle to Remake the Market: Feed-in-Rates and Alternative Energy in 1980s West Germany

Democracy in the Streets, Social Change in the Countryside: Grassroots Struggles, Solidarity Work, and Political Power after ’68

Fighting for Transformation: The Revolutionary Biography of Petra Kelly

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German Rearmament & The History of Policing Powers

AICGS Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Climate Policy Legacy?

Es ging um den Zustand der Demokratie

How Should We Remember 1968?

When People Rise Podcast

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