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S.F.W. (Sanne) van Doornik, MSc

PhD student

Sanne van Doornik followed the bachelor program Psychology at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (2013-2016) and completed the master program Medical Psychology at the Tilburg University (for which she also worked at the Medical Psychology department at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital; 2016-2018). After graduation she worked as a lecturer at the Tilburg University and as a psychologist in the mental healt care. In 2019 Sanne started a combined project of obtaining her Doctoral degree at the University of Groningen (under supervision of Peter de Jong, Klaske Glashouwer, and Brian Ostafin) and completing the post master education program to become a registered healthcare psychologist at Accare (in Dutch: GZ-psycholoog). Early 2023 Sanne acquired the certificate for healthcare psychologist.

Last modified:10 January 2024 10.31 a.m.