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About us Practical matters How to find us prof. dr. S. (Saskia) Damen

Research interests

Endowed chair 'development and Learning of people with multiple disabilities and complex communication needs and people with congenital and early acquired deafblindness'. 


A new intervention to prevent social isolation in people with complex communication needs

Using intervention mapping to develop an intervention for multiparty communication with people with congenital deafblindness

Applying Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development to understand autonomy development in children and youths with deafblindness: a systematic literature review

Experiences of families involving a parent with progressive deafblindness

Living with deafblindness during COVID-19: An international webinar to facilitate global knowledge translation

Comparison of Social Valdidity Ratings with the Effects of a Video-feedback Intervention for Communication Partners of Individuals with Deafblindness

Atypical Interpersonal communication: looking for and trough a different lens

Multiparty conversations with people with congenital deafblindness: Operationalization, significance, and requirements

Video-feedback interventions for individuals with congenital deafblindness: a systematic review

Cognitieve ontwikkeling van kinderen met doofblindheid

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Festival voor Inclusiedans in Podium Zuidhaege

University of Groningen: Deafblind individuals enjoy ‘sense stories’

Interview about collaboration between RUG and Kentalis in scientific research on deafblindness

Interview n.a.v. verschijnen boek 'Aangeboren doofblindheid'

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