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dr. S. (Stefan) Couperus

Associate Professor
Profile picture of dr. S. (Stefan) Couperus

I teach within the Politics and Society profile of the European Languages and Cultures BA programme (Dutch and English), the MA Euroculture and the track European Politics in a Global Perspective within the International Relations MA programme. In addition, I am involved in the teaching programme for PhDs and ReMA students at the Research School Political History.

Thesis supervision

I am happy to advise theses in the broad field of social and political history of (particularly North-Western) Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Themes relating to urban planning and culture, local democracy, contentious politics and social movements, social exclusion and statecraft, political and administrative culture, the use of the past in political and public discourse, and political theory have my particular interest.

Supervision of PhD projects

I am available as promotor (supervisor with ius promovendi) for PhD research projects with a historical or political science approach in the broad field of European politics and society.

Currently, I (co-)supervise PhD research projects about:

  • Neoliberalism in Europe and Latin America
  • Critical trade union history in the US
  • The use of the past by far-right actors in Europe
  • The political philosophy of H.D. Thoreau

Previously, I (co-)supervised projects about:

  • Authoritarian personality traits in the 21st century
  • The rise of ad hoc policy in the Netherlands

Last modified:04 September 2024 12.08 p.m.