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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S. (Sandra) Banjac, PhD


Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Media Innovation and Change

Expectations of journalistic actors in the digital age: A conceptual framework

Intersectionality and standpoint epistemology in journalism studies: Interrogating journalism’s power for a more equitable field

Safety of journalists: The symbolic violence and double burden of marginalized journalists

The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies: Second Edition

Unpacking innovation: Media and the Locus of Change

Book Review: Peripheral Actors in Journalism by Aljosha Karim Schapals

Newsrooms as Sites of Community and Identity: Exploring the Importance of Material Place for Journalistic Work

The struggle for authority and legitimacy: Lifestyle and political journalists’ discursive boundary work

Von Euphorie und Ernüchterung: Journalistisches Arbeiten aus dem Homeoffice während der COVID-19-Pandemie

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