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A randomized controlled trial of Golden Ratio, Feng Shui, and evidence based design in healthcare

Het faciliteren van de combinatie borstvoeding en werk

Effects of lactation room quality on working mothers’ feelings and thoughts related to breastfeeding and work: A randomized controlled trial and a field experiment

We can work it out: facilitating the combination of breastfeeding and work

A cross-sectional study of lactation room quality and Dutch working mothers’ satisfaction, perceived ease of, and perceived support for breast milk expression at work

Breastfeeding facilities: FM can make a change!

The effect of a breastfeeding support programme on breastfeeding duration and exclusivity: a quasi-experiment

The impact of lactation room quality in facilitating the combination of breastfeeding and work

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Borstvoedingsfaciliteiten: gezondere werknemers, meer werktevredenheid, betere work-life balance