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Exopolysaccharide β-(2,6)-levan-type fructans have a molecular-weight-dependent modulatory effect on Toll-like receptor signalling

Inhibition of influenza virus infection in mice by pulmonary administration of a spray dried antiviral

Sustainable diets with plant-based proteins require considerations for prevention of proteolytic fermentation

Development of an inhalable antiviral powder formulation against respiratory syncytial virus

Durability of immune responses after boosting in Ad26.COV2.S-primed healthcare workers

Performance Testing of a Homemade Aerosol Generator for Pulmonary Administration of Dry Powder Formulations to Mice

Combining galacto-oligosaccharides and 2 '-fucosyllactose alters their fermentation kinetics by infant fecal microbiota and influences AhR-receptor dependent cytokine responses in immature dendritic cells

Intradermal Administration of Influenza Vaccine with Trehalose and Pullulan-Based Dissolving Microneedle Arrays

The level and distribution of methyl-esters influence the impact of pectin on intestinal T cells, microbiota, and Ahr activation

β(2→6)-Type fructans attenuate proinflammatory responses in a structure dependent fashion via Toll-like receptors

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