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Towards safe and reliable deep learning for lung nodule malignancy estimation using out-of-distribution detection

A framework to integrate artificial intelligence training into radiology residency programs: preparing the future radiologist

Association between skin autofluorescence and coronary calcification in the general population

Automated evaluation of diaphragm configuration based on chest CT in COPD patients

Bronchiectasis is associated with lower lung function in lung cancer screening participants

Clinically Relevant Extracardiac Findings at Cardiac Imaging: Insights from the European MR/CT Registry

Competence of radiologists in cardiac CT and MR imaging in Europe: insights from the ESCR Registry

Computed tomography and coronary artery calcium score for screening of coronary artery disease and cardiovascular risk management in asymptomatic individuals

Coronary Artery Calcium Scores After Prophylactic Premenopausal Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy

Correction: Standards for conducting and reporting consensus and recommendation documents: European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology policy from the Guidelines Committee


Longkanker sneller opsporen op CT-scans met AI

CT-scans voor risico’s op hartproblemen; CONCRETE-studie

Lung Nodules in Non-Smokers

Guzki płucne obecne u dużego odsetka osób niepalących

Study reveals the prevalence and size distribution of solid lung nodules in non-smokers

Studie: Lungenrundherde bei einem hohen Prozentsatz von Nichtrauchern zu finden

Lung Nodules in Non-Smokers: New Insights

Lung nodules seen in a high percentage of non-smokers

Scientists make concerning discovery in the lungs of many non-smokers