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R.R. (Renée) Bakker, MSc

University Lecturer
Profile picture of R.R. (Renée) Bakker, MSc

Current positions

As an educational development assistant she focusses, amongst others, on the effects which the input of international students or staff has on originally Dutch-oriented teaching programmes.  At this moment her interest lays with integrating language & culture and content in the clinical rotations at the Medical Faculty.   

Renée Bakker was the assistant to the dean of the Learning Community Global Health, International Bachelor in Medicine, UMCG/ RUG.  ( Her interest lies in the health of vulnerable groups in international settings.

Since 1996 she joined the UMCG, and worked as project manager for externally funded research projects as well as lecturer.  From 2002 to 2012, Renée Bakker was programme manager of Erasmus Mundus Master programme on International Humanitarian Action, an interfaculty programme seated at the Faculty of Arts, as well as lecturer in Public Health in Humanitarian Assistance and in Health Security.
In 2012 she accepted the position of coordinator and lecturer in Global Health (GH) education for the International Bachelor on Medicine (IBMG), UMCG/RUG.

Together with Nico Bos, Kevin Haines and Catherine Meissner, Renée focuses on the richness of the international classroom at home, aimed  to reach a thorough understanding  how to improve health for all through content as well as “teaching and learning activities that help students to develop an international awareness and intercultural skills, preparing them to be active in a globalised world.” (J. Knight, 2008; Higher Education in Turmoil, p. 22-24).


Renée Bakker graduated in 1991 in Human Nutrition (MSc) at the Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU), the Netherlands. In 1990/91 she was a research intern for WAU in collaboration with the University of Bénin, Cotonou, Rep. du Bénin on “Coping with household food insecurity: a longitudinal and seasonal study among the Otammari in North-West Benin” (supervised by Dr. Adel den Hartog, Human Nutrition, WAU).

Last modified:25 June 2022 01.05 a.m.