prof. dr. R. (Ridwan) Maulana
Adjunct Hoogleraar onderwijswetenschappen, leerstoel: Vergelijking van leeromgevingen

Teaching effectiveness, Differentiation, Diversity and equity in education, Affective outcomes (academic motivation, engagement, well-being), Teacher and student learning, Cross-sectional and longitudinal research, multilevel (growth curve) analysis, SEM, Item Response Theory (IRT), teacher education, psychometry, cross-country/cultural studies
Overige functies
1. Chair of Research Ethics Commission Teacher Education (ECLO)
2. Faculty Ethics Board member, BSS University of Groningen
3. Europe Editor of Learning Environments Research (LERI) journal
4. SIG leader Learning Environments, American Educational Research Association (AERA)
5. Research advisor and lecturer, International Teacher Education for Secondary School (ITESS), NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
6. International Project leader on effective learning environments (ICALT3/Differentiation and GETLIN)
7. OECD-TALIS 2024 Questionnaire Expert Group member
8. ENLIGHT European Teacher Education Network member
9. Co-developer and instructor Master International Teacher Education
10. International advisor on professional development (effective teaching)
11. International commission member of faculty staff promotion
12. Board member Behavioural Sciences journal, section Educational Psychology
2. Faculty Ethics Board member, BSS University of Groningen
3. Europe Editor of Learning Environments Research (LERI) journal
4. SIG leader Learning Environments, American Educational Research Association (AERA)
5. Research advisor and lecturer, International Teacher Education for Secondary School (ITESS), NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
6. International Project leader on effective learning environments (ICALT3/Differentiation and GETLIN)
7. OECD-TALIS 2024 Questionnaire Expert Group member
8. ENLIGHT European Teacher Education Network member
9. Co-developer and instructor Master International Teacher Education
10. International advisor on professional development (effective teaching)
11. International commission member of faculty staff promotion
12. Board member Behavioural Sciences journal, section Educational Psychology
Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 december 2024 13:31 |