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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R. (Roel) Jonkers


Assessing differences in articulatory-acoustic vowel space in Parkinson’s disease by sex and phenotype

Assessing Differences in Articulatory-Acoustic Vowel Space in Parkinson’s Disease by Sex and Phenotype

Characterising the Long-Term Language Impairments of Children Following Cerebellar Tumour Surgery by Extracting Psycholinguistic Properties from Spontaneous Language

Characterization of agrammatism in Tagalog: Evidence from narrative spontaneous speech

Language outcomes in children who underwent surgery for the removal of a posterior fossa tumor: A systematic review

Leveraging relatedness-based measures in people with language disorders: a scoping review

Preoperative subjective impairments in language and memory in brain tumor patients

Role of pause duration in primary progressive aphasia

Speech and Music Therapy in the Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech: An Introduction and a Case Study

Spoken verb learning in children with language disorder
