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Predictors and moderators of treatment outcomes in phase-based treatment and trauma-focused treatments in patients with childhood abuse-related post-traumatic stress disorder

A network approach to trauma, dissociative symptoms, and psychosis symptoms in schizophrenia spectrum disorders

De juiste zelfkennis versterkt de zelfregie: Een reactie op de reactie van Karbouniaris en collega's (2023)

Dissociatieve stoornissen

Personality disorder traits, maladaptive schemas, modes and coping styles in participants with complex dissociative disorders, borderline personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder

Predicting optimal treatment outcomes in phase-based treatment and direct trauma-focused treatment among patients with posttraumatic stress disorder stemming from childhood abuse

Predictors of treatment dropout in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder due to childhood abuse

Schema therapy for Dissociative Identity Disorder: a case report

The Dissociation-Related Beliefs About Memory Questionnaire (DBMQ): Development and Psychometric Properties

The role of dissociation-related beliefs about memory in trauma-focused treatment

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Podcast over dissociatie voor de Joost en Yonda Trauma Show

"Ritueel misbruik: Babylijkjes en andere gruwelen’

Vlog voor Vereniging EMDR Nederland genaamd ‘EMDR en de Dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis’

Erken het maar versterk het niet

Video-Interview over de Zorgstandaard dissociatieve stoornissen

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Interview on being a journal editor

Dossier DIS: Strikte scheiding van identiteiten is misvatting

Onderzoek kinderen in jeugdzorg standaard op trauma

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